Legendary man Tony Long Has influence with with Tables and Fables (bmxtabletalk.blogspot.com) To start one of these bad larrys, Since he's up there in halifax cranking on some bikes at Dick Mauls Bikes shop. I thought I'd start one up one of these in the south eastern part of the shit state of MA and try to work into some of the RI area as well. SO i thought this would a Rad first Post for this to kick it off.
Christopher Childs is one of my best friends, Favorite riders to ride with and watch ride, band mate (three cheers for columbine), and one kid who gets into alot of sticky situations but, ABSOLUTELY LOVES THEM! hahaha. Last Sunday I recieved a text message saying "Check this shit out" it was him in the SUN CHRONICLE newspaper, so i ran down the road to one of those dispensers and paid the $1.25 for it. Sure enough there it was a GIANT CHRIS CHILDS ARTICLE! heres the links. hell yeah.
congrats on a rad page booby