Thursday, May 19, 2011

The Infamous Autumn Brand Jam

I wouldnt know how to sum this up so i stole this from the event page via facebook.

"So it's that time again. The best time of the year actually... The 6th annual Autumn Brand Jam / BBQ. Autumn Brand was a little shitty t shirt thing I tried to start in high school with a few kids i rode with. Maybe 10 t-shirts came out of it, but maybe a million good memorys . "The Autumn Brand" was always about having a good time, with your friends, family, on or off your bikes.
With the help of Bruce Danek (and Maul's Bike Shop last year), we've been throwing these jams, which have just turned into a yearly event that everyone enjoys. Every year has gotten bigger and bigger. Wilder too. But this year, there is a certain buzz about it that seems differant.
Last year, we raised over a 1000 dollars for the new Pembroke Skate Park. We are def trying to do that again this year. We have a couple of new sponsers for the event this year to help out. Mauls Bike Shop, Vitamin Water, and Bone Deth are to help out.
Everyone is invited to this event. BMXers, skaters, boys, girls, midgets, babes, friends, family... it doesnt matter. Its just a real good time. Bring your lawn chairs, food to cook on the grill, your shred, your party substance... and I gauranty you'll leave with wild times stuck in your brain, and a smile on your face.
-Kevin Botsch"

Anyway this week has been full of wet, so think sun everyone!

Rain Date: June 4th!

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